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UNESCO — General History of Africa
Volume V
Africa from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century

Unesco General History of Africa Volume 5


Note on Chronology
Key for Maps
List of Figures
List of Plates
Acknowledgements for plates

Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow, Director-General of UNESCO (1974-1987)

  1. Description of the project
    B. A. Ogot, President of the International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of Africa (1978-1983)
  2. The struggle for international trade and its implications for Africa
    M. Malowist
  3. African political, economic and social structures during this period
    P. Diagne
  4. Population movements and emergence of new socio-political forms in Africa
    J. Vansina
  5. Africa in world history: the export slave trade from Africa and the emergence of the Atlantic economic order
    J.E. Inikori
  6. The African diaspora in the Old and New Worlds
    J.E. Harris
  7. The Ottoman conquest of Egypt
    R. Vesely
  8. The Sudan, 1500-1800
    Y. F. Hasan and B. A. Ogot
  9. Morocco
    M. EL Fasi
  10. Algeria, Tunisia and Libya: the Ottomans and their heirs
    M.H. Cherif
  11. Senegambia from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century: evolution of the Wolof, Sereer and ‘Tukuloor’
    B. Barry
  12. The end of the Song hay empire
    M. Abitbol
  13. From the Niger to the Volta
    M. Izard and J. Ki-Zerbo
  14. The states and cultures of the Upper Guinean coast
    C. Wondji
  15. The states and cultures of the Lower Guinean coast
    A. A. Boahen
  16. Fon and Yoruba: the Niger delta and the Cameroon
    E. J. Alagoa
  17. The Hausa states
    D. Laya
  18. Kanem-Borno: its relations with the Mediterranean Sea, Bagirmi and other states in the Chad basin
    B. M. Barkindo
  19. From the Cameroon grasslands to the Upper Nile
    E. M'Bokolo
  20. The Kongo kingdom and its neighbours
    J. Vansina, based on a contribution by T. Obenga
  21. The political system of the Luba and Lunda: its emergence and expansion
    Ndaywel è Nziem
  22. The northern Zambezia-Lake Malawi region
    K. M. Phiri, O. J. M. Kalinga and H. H. K. Bhila
  23. Southern Zambezia
    H. H. K. Bhila
  24. Southern Africa
    D. Denoon
  25. The Horn of Africa
    E. Haberland
  26. East Africa: the coast
    A. I. Salim
  27. The Great Lakes region, 1500-1800
    J. B. Webster, B. A. Ogot and J. P. Chrétien
  28. The interior of East Africa: the peoples of Kenya and Tanzania, 1500-1800
    W. R. Ochieng
  29. Madagascar and the islands of the Indian Ocean
    R.K. Kent
  30. The historical development of African societies, 1500-1800: conclusion
    B.A. Ogot

Members of the International Scientific Committee for the drafting of a General History of Africa
Biographies of Authors

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