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Djibril Tamsir Niane. 2008
Djibril Tamsir Niane. 2008

UNESCO — General History of Africa
Volume IV
Africa from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Century

Djibril Tamsir Niane, editor, 1984, 752 pp.

Unesco General History of Africa Volume 4


List of figures
List of plates
Acknowledgements for plates
Note on chronology

Amadou-Mahtar M'bow, Director-General of Unesco

  1. Description of the Project
    B. A. Ogot, President of the International Scientific Committee
    for the Drafting of a General History of Africa
  2. Introduction
    Djibril Tamsir Niane
  3. The unification of the Maghrib under the Almohads
    O. Saidi
  4. The spread of civilization in the Maghrib and its impact on western civilization
    M. Talbi
  5. The disintegration of political unity in the Maghrib
    I. Hrbek
  6. Society in the Maghrib after the disappearance of the Almohads
    R. Idris
  7. Mali and the second Mandingo expansion
    D. T. Niane
  8. The decline of the Mali empire
    M. Ly-Tall
  9. Songhay from the 12th to the 16th century
    S. M. Cissoko
  10. The peoples and kingdoms of the Niger Bend and the Volta basin
    from the 12th to the 16th century
    M. Izard
  11. The kingdoms and peoples of Chad
    D. Lange
  12. The Hausa and their neighbours in the central Sudan
    M. Adamu
  13. The coastal peoples: from Casamance to the Ivory Coast lagoons
    Y. Person
  14. From the Ivory Coast lagoons to the Volta
    P. Kipre
  15. From the Volta to Cameroon
    A. F. C. Ryder
  16. Egypt and the Muslim world
    J. C. Garcin
  17. Nubia from the late 12th century to the Funj conquest in the early 15th century
    L. Kropacek
  18. The Horn of Africa: the Solomonids in Ethiopia and the states of the Horn of Africa
    T. Tamrat
  19. The development of Swahili civilization
    V. V. Matveiev
  20. Between the coast and the great lakes
    C. Ehret
  21. The Great Lakes region
    B. A. Ogot
  22. The Zambezi and Limpopo basins: 1100-1500
  23. Equatorial Africa and Angola: migrations and the emergence of the first states
    J. Vansina
  24. Southern Africa: its peoples and social structures
    L. D. Ngcongco with the collaboration of I. Vansina
  25. Madagascar and the neighbouring islands from the 12th to the 16th
    F. Esoavelomandroso
  26. Relationships and exchanges among the different regions
    D. T. Niane
  27. Africa in inter-continental relations
    J. Devisse with the collaboration of S. Labib

D. T. Niane

Members of the International Scientific Committee
for the drafting of a General History of Africa
Biographies of authors


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